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With cold temperatures and harsh elements pressing in, the focus of winter home maintenance is damage control. It’s important to remember that because of inclement weather, you may not have the leisure to do extensive exterior repairs.
Check that the covers are still on the outside faucets and that they have not iced up.
Use this indoor-friendly season as your opportunity to clean the basement, garage, and other interior spaces that may get neglected during warm, sunny months.
Keep an eye on your electrical service drop and the line that leads from your home to the power pole (only if you have above-ground electric service). If large branches have fallen on or are hanging on the line, call the electric company for removal.
Make sure that the ground next to the house is graded away from the house to prevent interior flooding.
Check your doors and windows for any gaps that may require weatherstripping or caulking, to prevent drafts from entering the home.
Reverse the direction of your ceiling fans to spin clockwise – this pushes warm air down from the ceiling.
Empty leaves, dirt and debris from your gutters to prevent clogging or excess weight when rain, snow and ice comes along.
Have your fireplace cleaned and checked by a certified chimneysweep. This is certainly a safety necessity for wood-burning fireplaces, but includes gas fireplaces too! Any old nests or debris blocking the chimney are potential hazards.
Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
Clean out your dryer lint filter and vents to reduce fire risk and improve energy efficiency.
Insulate pipes near windows, doors, and uninsulated areas of your home to prevent freezing.
Place welcome mats inside and outside of your doors to protect entryway floors during the wet and snowy months.
Inspect insulation in your attic, walls and crawlspace, adding more if needed to cut down on heating costs.
Protect patio furniture, grills, and other outdoor belongings by relocating them to a shed or garage or covering them with a weather-proof tarp. Don’t forget to bring fragile plants indoors before a frost as well!