Tips c/o This Old House. Photo c/o West Elm
The Holidays are a time full of family, friends, love, laughter, and good food! It’s also a time of high foot-traffic in your home, spilled wine, dropped stuffing on your new rug, etc. We have compiled some of the quickest and fool-proof methods for cleaning these unforeseen hazards - best of all, they are so easy they can be done before the pecan pie is done baking!
Greasy Fingerprints on Upholstery
Sprinkle the marks with cornstarch to help absorb the grease and lift the stain from the fabric. Leave on for a few minutes, then vacuum it up. Repeat if needed.
Red Wine on Tablecloth
Chase it with a splash of white wine while it's still damp to help neutralize the stain, then cover with baking soda and let sit for 5 minutes to absorb the remaining liquid. Rinse over the sink with boiling water.
Oily Spill on Carpet
Blast spots left by salad dressing or gravy with shaving cream, working it in with a clean rag or an old toothbrush to help absorb the grease. Once dry, rub with a soft, damp cloth.
Scuffs on Hardwood Floors
Scrub out scuffs with a little white (non-whitening) toothpaste and an old toothbrush— the combo works as a gentle abrasive. Wipe up the paste with a damp cloth, then buff the floor to a shine with a tiny bit of olive oil.